Portable Metrology Software Integrations

Take advantage of the advanced capabilities and detail, accuracy and productivity of the ModelMaker H120 laser scanner and MCAx S portable CMM arm system, whilst utilizing an already accepted and understood software platform within your organization to significantly reduce time for product familiarization and adoption into existing metrology workflows.

Nikon Metrology’s NM API software, the powerful proprietary driver behind all Nikon scanners, is tightly integrated within several industry-leading metrology software platforms providing seamless scanning and probing in the point cloud inspection and reverse engineering application software of the user’s choice.

InnovMetric PolyWorks

PolyWorks|Inspector™ for metrology or
PolyWorks|Modeler™ for polygonal modelling and reverse engineering applications.

3D Systems Geomagic

Geomagic® Design X™ for parametric reverse engineering,
Geomagic® Control X™ for metrology or
Geomagic Wrap® for polygonal modelling applications.

Metrologic Group Metrolog X4

Metrolog® X4 for metrology applications.


New integrations are added and existing integrations are regularly updated and refined. Contact us to find out if Nikon’s portable scanning solutions are integrated within your preferred software platform.

ModelMaker H120 & MCAx S