Meet the top players in precision technology
At the Precision Fair you will meet the top specialists from companies, training institutes, government agencies, technical universities and incubator programs in the field of Precision Technology. These specialists can be found on the exhibition floor, they will share the latest developments in the lecture program and you will find them during the Meet & Match. This edition also pays special attention to young talent. Students (teams) and start-ups present their innovative projects in the Young Talent Program on both days in short pitches and poster presentations. Be inspired by this energetic mix where science and practical technology meet!
Our partner, Measuretec, will present Nikon Metrology at this fair. At the stand you will find the latest development and technology from Nikon Metrology.
NEXIV- Video Measuring Systems
Nikon’s NEXIV systems are the pinnacle in Video Measuring Systems. They are used around the world to measure components in various industries including automotive, semiconductor and medical devices.
Nikon Metrology offers a complete portfolio of industrial microscopes for a wide range of applications, from basic models to sophisticated systems for high-end inspection. The Eclipse range featuring optical and digital microscope systems offers outstanding versatility, performance and productivity to tackle practically any applications.
The modularity makes these microscopes a perfect tool for research, R&D, measuring, metallurgy and more. The setup can be from a basic system to a fully automated and software controller inline tool.
The Nikon Product range offers a broad range of Stereo Microscopes and Accessories, including a R&D microscope system with the world’s highest zoom ratio, superb resolution and bright fluorescence imaging. Outstanding image quality is ideal for both user observation and digital camera capture throughout the full magnification range.
X-ray and CT systems provide insight into the inside of components and specimens, allowing users to visualise, analyse and measure complex internal geometry as well as surfaces, all non-destructively.