This scan of the month features a relay that is being used for switching electric signals. Relays have multiple different materials making them a typical complex task to perform good CT scans. Especially measurements are hard as the surfaces are not as good described as for single materials.
This scan of the month is using a Nikon software extension allowing to improve the contrast in the region where artefacts occur. The tool is ideal for production scanning as it doesn’t require a lot of additional reconstruction time which is typically the case for iterative reconstruction techniques.
Combined & Original Relay Front View
This X-ray CT scan was acquired using Nikon’s CT acquisition algorithm at a combined X-ray power of 50 Watts and a voxel resolution of 40µm, using a Nikon XT H 225 ST 2x This system comes equipped with up to three different Nikon microfocus X-ray sources: a 180 kV, 20 W transmission target, a 225 kV, 225 W reflection target and a 225 kV, 450 W Rotating.Target 2.0. This X-ray CT scan was performed using the 225 kV reflection target option coupled with a Varex XRD 4343CT flat panel detector. For this scan the detector acquired 3600 projections (individual radiographs) at an exposure time of 250 ms, resulting in a total scan time of 15 minutes because of the resolution and the material.
Combined & Original Relay Top View
X-ray CT data was reconstructed using the CT reconstruction algorithm in Nikon CT Pro 3D and rendered in Volume Graphics Studio Max 2022.1. The images shown are a comparison between applying an not applying the artefact reducing algorithm.