WEBINAR: EV Bodyshop Metrology – The same, but different

Thanks a lot for joining our webinar on March 19th, 2024, to learn how Nikon's shop floor metrology is helping electric vehicle (EV) manufacturers navigate the changing landscape of automotive production.
March 19th, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:00 AM CET

Thanks a lot for joining our webinar on March 19th, 2024, to learn how Nikon’s bodyshop metrology is helping electric vehicle (EV) manufacturers navigate the changing landscape of automotive production.

EV technology has had a long and winding road, but in 2024, it’s clear that the industry has made it to the fast lane. And Nikon’s APDIS Laser Radar metrology is empowering automakers to accelerate quality control in this EV-driven age. 

New chassis designs, larger casted parts, and complex assemblies are now on the factory floors and have just as high, if not higher, quality requirements than traditional ICE vehicles, however, metrology solutions have stayed in the past. 

Listen to the webinar to discover how Nikon is pioneering a new generation of metrology solutions ideally suited for EV manufacturing. 

This session covered: 

  • The turbulent history of electric vehicles – and what finally sparked mass adoption. 
  • How the shift to EVs is transforming automotive design. 
  • The unique metrology challenges posed by larger castings and fewer, more complex assemblies. 
  • Why traditional off-line and in-line inspection technology can’t measure up 
  • How Nikon is at the forefront of the shift to next generation automotive metrology to improve your process and quality control 

If you weren’t able to attend our webinar, here is the recording.

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March 19th, 2024
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