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Application DS-L4 Ver1.5.2
Software Details
-After downloading the update file, install DS-L4 Application Version 1.5.2 according to the instructions in the “M696_E1_DS-L4_update_manual.pdf”.
-Fixed bugs where the magnification value of the relay lens is not registered correctly for the first editing.
-When you connect DS-Ri2 to the DS-L4, please update DS-Ri2 to Ver 2.10 or any later version.
-When you connect DS-Fi3 to the DS-L4, please update DS-Fi3 to Ver 1.10 or any later version.
-Instruction manual of the Ti2 Control application can be downloaded from M705_E8_Ti2Control_Android_Ver210.pdf
-For details, please refer to the”readme.txt”.
Release date: 20/02/2019
Software/Firmware Download Form
To download this version of the software/firmware, please complete and submit the form below.